The Case Of Free-traders Who Are Supporters Of The...
r TO THE EDITOR OF THS " SPECTATOR."1 "A Free-Trade Supporter of the Government" have in mind Mr. Lyttelton's speech on the fiscal debate in the House of Commons when he wrote......
Mr. Gladstone On Retaliation. Lt0 Rss Eorros Or Tim...
SIR,—The following is, I think, instructive in view of tho Government's policy of retaliation as an aid to "freer trade." Of the period between 1841 and 1844 Mr. Gladstone wrote......
Lord Macaulay On Free-trade And Labour Regulation.
[To TEM EDITOR OF TEl 'SPECTATOR") SIS,—It has recently been suggested by Protectionists, and especially by Mr. Alfred Lyttelton, that the introduction of Free-trade belonged to......
Animal Stowaways.
O NE of the oddest cases which have come before the Courts since the passing of the Employers' Liability Act was recently decided against a colliery company. The parents of a......
[to Tes Editor Of Tics " Spectator:] Think You—england...
know some- thing more than is now known of the strength of the Free-trade party in Australia. The present controversy in England is watched with the greatest interest and-......