Letters Popery Corner
Sir: Paul Johnson's opinions (Letters, 26 February) are so richly enjoyable that it is a relief to learn that he takes them from nobody but himself. But it is the more puz-......
Only Obeying Orders
Sir: In his review (Books, 12 February) of David Smiley's latest book, Simon Cour- tauld describes me as writing dismissively of Smiley and his companions in Albania. On the......
Sir: It Says Much For The Spectator That The Chairman
of its controlling company, Con- rad Black, while 'taking exception' to the Mount article, had not interfered with the editor's right to print one of the best arti- cles, and......
Sir: Sir Ferdinand Mount And Your Revered Chairman's...
('Ridicu- lous, febrile, lurid, ludicrous', 26 February) ignore mundane, but not negligible, impli- cations of papal rather than Anglican catholicism. No one need expect ardent......
Sir: Mr Conrad Black Writes: . I Have Been (falsely)
accused of promoting viru- lent Judaic nationalism in our Israeli news- paper (the Jerusalem Post) . . . ' What's false about the accusation? The Jerusalem Post was once a great......
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