The Film World
Film. By Roger Manvell. (Penguin Books. gd.) Tins book is part symposium, part essay on screen aesthetics, and is illustrated by almost two hundred admirably reproduced film......
The Surgeon As Critic
Rational Medicine. By Basil Graves. (Nicholson and Watson. I2S. 6d.) IT would be unfair to describe Mr. Graves as a man with a grievance. But he writes from the standpoint of an......
Socialist Perambulator
France is a Democracy. By Louis Levy. (Gollancz. 58.) THE scope and limitations of this book of 150 odd pages are thus defined by its author: "I am trying to present the......
The Morning After Hitler
Excellency X. By R. G. Waldeck. (Geoffrey Bles. zos. 6d.) Tilts is a book of varying merit, beginning poorly and ending well The idea—to discuss the personality who will emerge......