The Youth Of A Poet
THE English attitude to Goethe does not change. In spite of two centenaries it is still the man we are interested in rather than the poet. No publisher would venture a standard......
New Novels -
The Seeker and the Sought. By Marie Baumer. (Gollancz. gs. 6d.) IF only people would refrain from reforming the English language when they are writing fiction I Even......
Olive Schreiner
SAMUEL CRONWRIGHT-SCHREINER was a man of temperament rather than letters, and as his wife's biographer he was sometimes strangely indiscriminate. In The Life of Olive Schreiner......
M. Maurois Disappoints
My American Journal. By Andre Maurois. Translated from the French by Joan Charles. (Falcon Press. r is. 6d.) THIS odd production has an odd title. For it is not, or is only in......