5 MAY 1967, page 17

New Novels

Exile's story MARTIN SEYMOUR-SMITH The Mimic Men V. S. Naipaul (Deutsch 25s) The Unaltered Cat Albert Lewin (Collins 21s) Light Cavalry Action John Harris (Hutchinson 30s) Time......

Smarty Petrel : The Life And Work Of Maxim Gorky

Dan Levin (Muller 30s) -r. Anti-writer RONALD HINGLEY Gorky is arguably the leading Russian anti- writer : that is, he developed the art of writing badly to a point beyond the......

Noble Eagle

PATRICK ANDERSON Downhill All the Way Leonard Woolf (The Hogarth Press 35s) Honesty about oneself and one's friends was a prime virtue amongst the Bloomsbury group of writers.......