5 MAY 1979, page 21

Unfair To Botticelli

Sir: I must protest against your cartoon insult to Botticelli and Mrs Thatcher. 'The Birth of Venus' is Botticelli's masterpiece. It commemorates the legend that a god had his......


Sir: Mr Richard West never had a name for J o urnalistic accuracy, but he did cultivate one as something of an iconoclast. Now that's all over. Today he is plodding into middle......

Moslem Emotions

S ir: On my return from a holiday I am an)azed to see that your correspondent H. ? inner (21 April) has been busy rewriting t he facts of history in a blatant attempt to O......

No Such Stereotype

Sir: Richard Ingrams reveals his prejudice when he complains that in the television seriesfesus ofNazareth 'none of the characters looked like Jews.' May I inform Mr Ingrams......

Ironies Of Darwinism

Sir: Christopher Booker may have been intemperate in his account of Darwinism as a scientifically indefensible fantasy, but he nevertheless pointed towards real problems which......

Labour Record

Sir: Poor old Geoffrey Wheatcroft. 'Surprisingly', he claims (28 April), 'the last party to win an absolute majority of Scottish seats was the Conservatives in 1959.' Surprising......

Echo Of Wilson

Sir: Mr Callaghan is not the first purveyor of the Labour Party as a crusade. Back in 1962 Harold Wilson told the annual conference of the Scottish Labour Party that 'the Labour......