5 NOVEMBER 2005, page 23

On The Defensive

From Nick Prest Sir: Writing as someone who has been in a senior position in the UK defence industry, I do not recognise the picture painted by Richard North (‘Europe is costing......

Mussolini And The Jews

From Nicholas Farrell Sir: Ian Thomson states (Books, 22 October) that ‘these days’ it is ‘fashionable’ to portray Benito Mussolini as a ‘decent fellow’, and cites my biography......

How To Fund Oxford

From Dr Bill Macmillan Sir: It is not the case, as Simon Jenkins asserts (‘Independence for Oxford’, 29 October), that the vice-chancellor, John Hood, believes in principle that......

Lost Cameron Vote

From Harry Bott Sir: Bruce Anderson, in the closing paragraph of his article promoting David Cameron (Politics, 29 October), suggests that David Davis is ‘chippy, nasty,......