5 OCTOBER 1867, page 1

News Of The Week.

THE week has been more Churchy than religious. The Epis- copal Synod held its last sitting yesterday week, and it is now generally understood that the report of its proceedings......

Tion Of The Church From The State, Had The Courage

to ief use Westminster Abbey for the concluding service of the Conference, but with his usual courtesy and profound desire to promote the best social understanding between men......

There Was An Extraordinary Panic On The French Bourse On

Wednesday. All sorts of lies were invented by persons who win fortunes by inventing them, and believed by persons who were ruined by believing them. There was a revolution in......

The Synod Have Published A Sort Of Encyclical Addressed To

"the faithful in Christ Jesus," which we have discussed at length else- where. It defines no dogma,—that would have been dangerous, —but it masks one or two, as we have sho:Vii......

Garibaldi's Arrest Has Been Taken Very Quietly, On The...

especially by the General himself, who seems to have been willing enough to be sent back to Caprera. He refused, it is true, to make any conditions as to giving up his purpose,......

The Fenian Guerrillas Have Apparently Reached London....

morning of this day week, between 2 and 3 a.m., two bandsmen in the 2nd Life Guards, not in uniform, had some dis- cussion with some Fenian sympathizers, at a public-house in......

The Bishop Of Cape Town Has Been Presented By His

admirers, with Mr. A. J. Beresford Hope, M.P., at their head, with a pastoral staff, in token of his " firmness " in dealing with his heretical suffragan. The legend upon it......