Pro-germans In France
The formation of the French "Anti-Bolshevist Legion" under the direct encouragement of Laval and Marcel Deat would have been not unremarkable, even if it had not provided the......
The Australian Premiership
The Australian political situation, on which comment was made here last week, has been developed a stage farther by the resignation of Mr. Menzies from the Prime Ministership.......
Trades Union Congress
The Trades Union Congress, meeting this week, has national affairs recorded the verdicts that were to be cxp —determination to destroy the Nazi-Fascist regime, satisfac ti, at......
Support For Russia
The announcement of the names of the American delega- tion to the Three-Power Conference at Moscow, coupled with the anouncement that Lord Beaverbrook will head the British......
Artisans In Uniform
The Report of Sir William Beveridge's Committee on Ski11:4 Men in the Services brings home a claim on our limi t. resources of industrial skill for which it is certainly......