5 SEPTEMBER 1998, page 53
Solution To 1375: Wheel
The key phrase was BREAK A BUT- TERFLY ON THE WHEEL. Circuit lights were A BUTTERFLY (broken) and six butterflies. First prize: F.W.J. Teale, Birming- ham. Runners - up:......
Bucket and spade Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 2049 you were invited to provide appropriate verses describing my holiday or giving my thoughts from abroad. I have only twice set......
W & J
GRAHAM'S PORT CROSSWORD 1378: Bear up by Columba A first prize of £30 and a bottle of Graham's Six Grapes Port for the first correct solution opened on 21 September, with two......
No. 2052: Medical Memories
You are invited to write a poem (maximum 16 lines) in praise of some old-fashioned remedy or patent medicine. Entries to `Competition No. 2052' by 17 September.......