New Discoveries In Palmistry. By Professor J. B. Hargett....
and Bird. 85 net.)—We cannot profess faith in the author's "new discoveries," or his claim to have put palmistry on a truly scientific basis. One passage from the summary of......
We Have Received From Messrs. W. And A. K. Johnston
a specimen sheet of a Map of Scotland three inches to the mile), a clear and excellent bit of map-work, in a talc case which is, to us at /east, a novelty.......
A Birthday Book From The Writings Of John Oliver Hobbes.
Selected and arranged by Zoe Procter. (J. Lane. 3s. 6d. net.) —There is something absurd—except, indeed, as a permanent source of somewhat doubtful jokes—in these "birthday......
Three Books Published By Messrs. Gale And Polden May Be
mentioned together. The first and second are designed to assist candidates in passing the examinations now made necessary qualifications for commissions and for promotion. These......
We Have Received A Number Of Pretty Pictorial Postcards (g.
Wrench, ld. each). They include reproductions of famous pictures, Dyckman's " Blind Beggar" and Moroui's "Tailor," for instance ; landscapes and seascapes, a series from the......
Tranquillity Of Mind ; And Providence. Translated From L....
Seneca by W. B. Langsdorf, Litt.D. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 3s. 6d.)—This is a desirable little volume, whether one regards its substance or its form. Professor Langs. dorf does......
Some Aspects Of Bibliography. By John Ferguson. (george...
Edinburgh )— We have never seen a more frank and serenely confident assertion that the one thing which, from the collector's point of view, does not concern a book's value is......
Messrs. Tyrrell And Parser's Edition Of The...
(Hodges and Figgie, Dublin) has been completed by the appearance of Vol. VII., containing an Index (7s. 6d.) We have more than once taken an opportunity of expressing a high......
We Have Received From Messrs. Eyre And Spottiswoode An "in
Memoriam" edition of the Book of Common Prayer, together with Hymns, Ancient and Modern (3s.) Prefixed are the "Special Forms of Service to be used on the Day of the Funeral or......