India's Population
SIR,—I read with great interest and satisfaction Mr. J. D. Jenkins's letter of October 16th, 1944, published in your paper of November loth, 1944. This letter is almost very......
Mr. Hudson's Economics Sir,—some Of Sir Angus Watson's...
Mr. Hudson's economics only hold good if we retain our existing faulty monetary system and out-of-date idea that no one is entitled to an income unless he does paid work. Under......
The Coalowners' Plan
• your issue of March 23rd you published a letter of mine in which I drew attention to the very remarkable achievements of the Netherlands State mines compared with our own......
Sir ' —mr. Watson In The Spectator Of March 23rd Goes
to great pains show what price the country may be required to pay if a policy designed to ensure a prosperous agricultural community is adopted, but he says nothing about......
Teachers' Salaries
Sum,—If the basic 'scales compiled by the Burnham Committee were the last word, everyone would agree with the criticisms of its work contained in the last paragraph but one of......