Sir,—charles Curran's Lament For The White Settlers Of...
is a monotonous nostalgia for something that never existed anyway. To take just one of the many flaws in his analogy, the post-war suburban colonists never managed to secure......
The New Men
SIR,—What an extraordinary assumption by Mr. Farleigh, one of your correspondents last week. Who ever thought that the Spectator was anything but a Conservative journal—though......
Sir,-1 Have Travelled On The Escalator Taking Me From...
Street via grammar school to Oxford. Therefore I am, by his definition, one of Charles Curran's 'white settlers of post-war Britain.' In his article he describes a class which......
Black Mask
SIR,—Mr. Alan Brien is wrong in assuming, in his review of The Courage of his Convictions, that Robert Allerton will now cash in on his notoriety. He has already been asked for......
Death In The Gutter
SIR,—A journalist must accept the sub-editor's shears as a normal penalty for writing too much, but occasionally he must point out that, un- intentionally, they have modified......
Last Of The Viceroys
SIR,-1 have read your review on February 23 of Leonard Mosley's book The Last Days of the British Raj, and have now read the book. As your reviewer, Mr. Philip Mason, criticises......
The Price Of Peace Sir,-1 Think That No Serious Supporter
of CND believes that unilateralism is a policy without risks. Our belief is that it is, in the long run, less risky to be without the bomb—particularly since, tt paraphrase......