6 APRIL 1991, page 23

Cambodian Question

Sir: If the Government is as opposed to the Khmer Rouge as Derek Tonkin (The apotheosis of Pilgerism', 23 March) alleges, I wonder if he would draw my attention to any occasion......

Letters Treasury Ignorance

Sir: Mr Angus (Letters, 23 March) claims that the arrangements for Scotland's cur- rency demonstrate that the Treasury is correct in its assertion that, 'legal tender is a......

Lawrence Of The Railway

Sir: James Buchan ('Well educated heads in the sand. . .', 30 March) was being naive in expecting the people of Yanbu to remember T. E. Lawrence. Lawrence did pass through the......

Casualties Of War

Sir: Major von Bertele's letter (30 March) cannot go unchallenged any more than Sandra Barwick's article ('When the boys come home', 2 March). The conscripts of the last world......