Cc Asiatic "
Sm,—Strix was perhaps hardly at his best in the first sentence of last week's Spectator's Notebook. " Asiatic," he held, is the fittest epithet for the Russians' unpleasant......
American Parties And Inflation
Sta,—Edward Montgomery's Twilight of Truman betrays a touch of naiveté in its assertion that " everybody is against inflation" in the United States. Of course, in theory,......
Doctors And Patients
Snt,—I think all medical practitioners are refusing, for one reason or another, to take certain patients on their lists. Under the Act patients are at complete liberty to select......
Switch* Family Robinson Sut,—many Will Surely Share...
the Central Electricity Board for the Switch Family Robinson. Moreover, at the risk of a charge of pedantry, may I say that the main characters in the book whose title is thus......