The Danish Churches And South Slesvig Sir,—will You Allow Me
to add to the recent correspondence on the problem of South Slesvig in reference only to the position of the Church? I received a few days ago from a friend in Denmark a......
Sweden's Neutrality
Sin,—Your review of Mr. Kenney's book—The Northern Tangle— implies that Sweden, despite her acceptance of membership of the United Nations, has got to make up her mind about the......
Letters To The Editor
THE BRITISH IN AUSTRIA St,—One of the most important recommendations made by the Select Committee on Estimates examining British expenditure in Austria has been "that a new......
The Conscience Of Mr. Gandar Dower Sta,—the Reference...
Janus in your issue of November 22nd to Mr. Gandar Dower's failure to honour his election pledge and resign his seat in Parliament upon the defeat of Japan is just and timely.......