6 DECEMBER 1986, page 30

Flattered Creep

Sir: It is not true, as your diarist Frank Johnson suggested (29 November), that I am about to be sacked from Private Eye because I wrote the story at the centre of the recent......


Sir: Mr Barber's attack (Letters, 18 Octo- ber) on the use of `Japs' to describe the Japanese is similar in spirit to the incredi - ble furore which followed the Duke of......

Billy Mclean

Sir: If, as Patrick Leigh Fermor wrote last week, it was sometimes difficult to know what Billy McLean was really up to, it was always evident that, officially or unofficial-......

Kinnock In Afghanistan

Sir: Mr Neil Kinnock is quoted (John Mortimer, 29 November) as saying, 'I'd fight if I were in Afghanistan'. On which side? He did not say. Catherine Donner 15 Chiddingstone......

Tate And Bile

Sir: John Osborne's proclaimed contempt for his audiences (Books, 29 November) surely amounts to abuse of an extinct species. Eryc Tate 47 Cowley Road, London Ell......

Sir: What On Earth Has Got Into Frank Johnson? He

used to be quite funny in the Daily Telegraph. What Lord Denning actually said, a propos Robert Maxwell, was "E's another German'. I changed it to 'foreigner' in my account so......

Better Service

Sir: With reference to your editorial the week before last on the abolition of Radio Four's News Stand, may I draw your attention to the fact that editorials from the weekly......

Sir: As My Piece About Billy Mclean Was Dictated From

Greece over a very bad line, it is amazing that there were only three slips. Two don't matter much — i.e. in the first column, 'Dara' should be 'Tara', and in column three (four......

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