Badly Educated
Sir: Proof positive that the metropolitan chattering class knows (and cares) more about South Africa than it does about Scot- land was provided by Alice Miles last week when she......
A Fair Hearing
Sir: I read Andrew Gowers's letter (22 November) with interest. Yes, of course, I have graced the columns of the Financial Times no fewer than three times since the end of......
Plugger's Paradise
Sir: I had noticed the increasing tendency of your diarists to plug their books and tele- vision programmes. I had not realised until today (Diary, 29 November) that this has......
Bruce The Deconstructionist
Sir: Confronted by a text — in this case, a parliamentary question — Bruce Anderson (Letters, 29 November) claims to discern the author's intention. When the author me — denies......
Contemporary Dance
Sir: The article on British dance, 'Dominat- ed by the second- rate' (Arts, 29 Novem- ber), raises a number of issues that merit a response. It suggests that the number of......
Kennedy And The Mafia
Sir: Mark Steyn informs us (America and its priapic presidents,' 29 November) that Nigel Hamilton, after writing 'a cracking account' of J.F. Kennedy's early years, abandoned......