Tiir Loss Of 'm2'
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In regard to - the recent tragedy of the Submarine "M 2 ! it scents aniazing that with all the inventions for the provision of apparatus......
Birth Control
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In answer to my question : Who would "deprive lawfully married citizens from having a child to succeed them ? " Bishop Welldon......
• Drink And The Nation •
[To the Editor of the SpneTaroa.] Sin,—" One of the Commissioners" in your issue of January 23rd, makes such a curious statement that I cannot let it pass unchallenged. '......
The Modern Floor
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Ssa,—Mr. G. M. Boumphrey's articles on the modern home are always of interest. With regard to the one on floors, I have something to say. I......
Mss. And U.s.s.r.
(To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.) SIR,—The Monastery on Mount Sinai was dedicated to St. Catherine, the Patron Saint who was broken on the wheel during the Roman occupation of......
"seriouser And Seriouser"
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It was a pretty thought to celebrate, as the Government have done, the centenary of the birth of the 'author Of Alice in Wonderland. Let......