The Pensions Debate
SIR,—I want to take issue with Taper's comments on the Pensions debate. First, he expressed the view that it was 'vieux jete to hope. that 'an election-year debate on pensions......
`lolita' Douglas Woodruff, Derek Parker Censorship Of...
The Books Bill Sir Alan Herbert Censorship in Ireland Oliver Edwards The Pensions Debate R. H. S. Grossman, MP Meeting the People Silvan Jones Papal Infallibility I. L. A.......
Censorship In Ireland
SIR,—I have just made the discovery that opinions ex- pressed by the Dublin censor may be effective even outside the area--the Twenty-six Counties—in which his writ runs. The......
Censorship Of Plays
SIR,—Plays written before 1743 are not, as Pharos supposes, immune to censorship. The Lord Chamber- lain can ban the production of any play produced before 1737 (when the Act......
The Books Bill
SIR,—I thank you for the kindly support that you and your writers gave to my entrance on the Harrow scene. But may I offer a correction to your remarks upon my exit? You say (in......
Sir, - --on May 23, 1949, Mr. Tom Dribcrg, During...
in the House of Commons, asked the Attorney-General `what action he proposed to take in regard to the novel The Naked and the Dead.' Sir Hartley Shawcross then told the House......