Capital Gains Tax
Sir: Congratulations to John Biffen on his article (30 January), especial- ly the section about the Common Market. It seems quite incredible that we are making this great effort......
The Gospels And The Professor
Sir: Mr Kenney charges me with ignoring the evidence of the papy- rus fragments which, he implies, invalidate my statement that `no Gospel text can be traced, directly or......
Letters To The Editor
The right of reply Sir: You have seen fit to give a great deal of space to a complaint by Mr Kingsley Amis that I refused to print a letter (which he quotes in full) on the......
Trevor-roper's Review Of Dodd's The Founder Of...
be entirely submerged under the flood of scholarly derision likely to be provoked by some alarmingly basic howlers. May I list a selec- tion, with comment: ' . . . we have no......
Agency Ads
Sir: I was very interested to read the replies to Skinflint's article on Employment Agencies (23 Janu- ary). I myself gave up using agencies years ago when I found that time......
Sir: I Fancy That All Readers Will Agree With Kingsley
Amis's com- plaint in 'Personal Column' (30 January). It is an abuse of the power of the press if people find themselves attacked or their views distorted and are unable to get......
Two Senses
Sir: Peter Quince's remarks (30 January) on the sounds and silences of nature were interesting to read. It always strikes me that the two senses of hearing and touch receive......
Stifling Protest
Sir: A sidelight on the Tireless Tory Titan's fight for British in- dependence from She Common- wealth. One wonders whether Mr Heath has provoked the continu- ing row over arms......