6 JANUARY 1872, page 11

It Is Announced That Mr. Childers Has Succeeded Mr. Verdon

as Agent-General for Victoria. He is, of course, thoroughly qualified both by ability and experience ; but there are fifty men in England competent to a Colonial agency, and we......

The Reds In Paris, Like The Reds In Switzerland, Are

trying to turn their representatives into mere delegates, forcing on them a anandat impe'ratif of the most detailed kind. They define an enormous number of measures, contained......

An Irishman Named M'carthy, But Who Called Himself Signor...

has been exhibiting as a lion-tamer for some years. He seems, however, to have broken some of the rules of his profes- sion, entering the cages when "in liquor, but not drunk,"......

Mr. George Cruikshank, The Great Caricaturist, Claims To...

the leading characters of Oliver Twist, and from what he says it seems not improbable that he did put Mr. Dickens on the track of the London life necessary for that great work,......

Lord Russell Also Manages To Get A Shy At The

Denominational Schools, and through them at the Government which encou- rages Denominational Schools, with the Lord's Prayer,—his main point being that the Lord's Prayer as......

Lord Russell Cannot Be Happy At Cannes Without Letting Fly

at the Government, and the last missiles with which he has chosen to shell their Education policy are the Conscience-clause and the Lord's Prayer. He brands the......

A Curious Correspondence Was Pubhseed This Nay Ek Between...

Gratry, one of the bitterest opponents ey Infallib y, who, after a severe illness, has made his submission to "42 decree cf the Council of the Vatican, and Father Hyacinthe, had......

M. Thiers Is Doing His Best To Diminish The Impression

created in Germany by Tonnelet's murder. Ding the sitting of Friday se'nnight, the President, in a speech to the Assembly on the situa- tion, described the acts of Tonnelet and......

Consols Were On Friday 92k To 921 Ex. Div.


The " Schenck Incident" Seems To Have Terminated Without...

ducing an open quarrel between the American President and the Senate. Explanations have been, it is said, received in Washington from theMinister, showing how he became......

The National Zeitung Of Berlin Calls On Prince Bismarck To

punish the French journalists who attack Germany, and "do not know what is due to the conquerors of the country." It reminds Frenchmen that after Jena, Schleiermacher was......

We Regret Deeply To Notice The Death Of The Archdeacon

of Calcutta, the Rev. J. H. Pratt, one of the few men who in India have honoured the English Church. A man of high mathematical attainments, a scholar, and a deeply-read divine,......