[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—may I Add A
postscript to my letter published in your last issue on the subject of aiding German refugees ? I concluded my letter by describing how I had been told that, in order to obtain......
Where To Settle The Jews
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATCR] SIR,—In connexion with your most interesting article " What Next in the Ukraine ? " allow me to trespass on your valuable space. Mr. H. P.......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—i Agree With Dr.
Elkelas that the solution of the Jewish problem, or one solution, lies in the formation of an autonomous Jewish State. Although the Jews will always look towards Zion as their......
A.r.p. For London
In the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—You say " Professor Haldane, the chief advocate of tunnel protection, estimated in his book A.R.P. that it would take two years to construct......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—i Should Like To
endorse every word of Mr. R. W. Hill's letter in your issue of Dece:nber 3oth, except that in the case which has come to my knowledge there is no question of emigration but only......