6 JULY 1833, page 14

Either Side. Women Are.

Sir JOHN MILLEY DOYLE, it may or may not be remembered, The character of GOETHE, as a man, and as a man of genius, was sent by Don PEDRO to arrest Admiral SARTORI us, and super-......

Guns Rersus Game-laws.

THE Gunmakers made a great noise in the House the other night. They blazed away at the Game-laws, with a brace of petitions, which were let otr by Messrs. HEATIICOTE Mill......


Spectator's Library • Thai Iii: E. Ist Ire In Goethe.

From the German of lilk, Von Milner, Le. Wit it Nute.., orightl and tlauslated, illustrative of Contemn Liter:dna.. Ily S.zrah Anstia. 3 vols. E. lii lain. Vt:tvnor,t. Narrative......

Disaffection Of The Rat F.-pay E Rs To The Church.

IT is indeed high time that the Bishops should c,!asa: to meddle 'with politics, and exert all thuir to comiliate the refractory laity, NV110 SeeIll (1.1)oSNI ill (i!lie......

Of August Next, Iv• Umler The Prinful Necessity . Of...

us well the Tuts is not a book of biography, but of character, and is happily other current exptmsrs of the Church, as thus:: tre atten , Lut upon the so named by the authoress......