The Papers During The Past Week Have Contained A Great
many references to what is declared to be a movement on the part of Germany towards an entente with France. If rumour speaks true, the German Emperor has expressed his......
News Of The Week.
W E note with satisfaction that the German Emperor and Empress have accepted the King's invitation to visit Lim at Windsor next autumn. The public reception accorded to their......
The Moorish Brigand Raisuli Has Taken Sir Harry Maclean...
while the latter was negotiating on behalf of the Sultan for Raisuli's submission on certain terms. Sir Harry Maclean is being guarded in a village of the Khamas tribe, and says......
The Situation In Portugal Is Not Easy To Understand, Chiefly
because the Press censorship is rigid and successful. A corre- spondent of the Times, however, who has just returned from Lisbon gives us a little information. There appears to......
M. Clemenceau Has Once More Kept His Head Above Water.
On Friday week there was a debate in the Chamber of Deputies on the wine crisis, and though his Ministry came out of it with a diminished majority, it still came out. Few other......
The Libel Action Brought By Dr. Carl Peters Against Herr
Griiber, the editor of the Socialist Ithinchener Post, came to an end in the Munich Court on Tuesday, when Herr Griiber was sentenced to pay a fine of five hundred marks or go......