Mrs. Churchill's Little Booklet My Visit To Russia...
contains many observations of interest about the particular . obj of her mission—to cement Anglo-Russian friendship on the basis the Red Cross Aid to Russia Fund, of £7,o0o,000.......
* * * *
Lyme Regis, where, it will be remembered, Louisa in Persuast fell from the Cobb, is by all accounts failing gravely in its duty the memory of its most famous inhabitant (unless,......
He A St. Sebastian Came Off Whole And Scatheless Compared
with Janus who a week or so ago permitted himself the expressio " rather unique." Well—" rather unique," " almost unique, " approaching the unique," what is the difference? That......
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The appointment of Mr. Edward Stettinius as American repr sentative on the United Nations Security Council provokes interes ing speculations regarding the British......
As For The Election Broadcasts, It Is Hard To Estimate
their effect, and not too easy to pass judgement on them individually, for the _ simple reason that very few people, I imagine (of whom I am not one), listened to the whole lot.......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HERE may be some combative persons who have enjoyed this election, but for the vast majority, without question, the end of it all will be received with immense relief. I don't......
* * During The Fortnight In Which This Column Has
been in more distinguished hands than mine one or two things have happened on which I should still like to make belated comment. Among them was the issue of the Church......
Back To The Big Three
HE prospect of another meeting of the Big Three after a too protracted interval has the welcome effect, among others, of i verting attention from domestic acerbities to tasks of......