6 JUNE 1874, page 1

News -.of The Week.

T HE French Assembly has been the scene of furious debating all the week, nominally upon the Municipal and Electoral Laws, 'but really upon the form of government to be adopted......

The Lords Devote All Their Time Now To Ecclesiastical...

the only variety in their work being the exchange of an English Worship Regulation Bill for a Scotch Church Patronage Bill. They took up the latter on Tuesday, the Duke of......

In The Discussion Of Thursday Night On The Archbishops' Pub-

lic Worship Regulation Bill, the Duke of Marlborough's motion for delay was defeated by 137 votes against 29 ; while Lord Shaftesbury achieved a revolutionary victory for his......

We Have Noticed Elsewhere A Statement By The Berlin Corre-

spondent of the Times that a Chinese ,army is encamped on the frontier of Yarkund. A Russian professor, whose letter is published in the Times of Saturday, affirms that the......

M. Gambetta, Again, In A Speech At Auxerre, Delivered Last

week, has openly acknowledged that the struggle lies between the Bonapartists and the Republic, and hints that a, soldier has been found who may strike the coup d'etat. He......

Mr. Disraeli, In Urging Reasons Against An Early...

the debate on the Intoxicating Liquors Bill on Thursday night; took occasion to remark on the illusion which prevailed as to the pro- bable brevity of the Session, and as to the......

4 * * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
