6 JUNE 1958, page 19

The Failure Of President Benes

SIR,—May I reply jointly to the three letters which appeared in the last two issues of the Spectator con- cerning my article on President Benes? I am at one with Sir Geoffrey......

Sot,—may I Have The Courtesy Of Your Columns To Announce

the formation of a new society? It is called the Homosexual Law Reform Society, and • is concerned to work for the implementation of the Major recommendation of the Wolfenden......

Letters To The Editor

The Princess and the Archbishop Randolph S. Churchill Homosexual Law Refonn A. E. Dyson Archbishop Makarios and the Lambeth Conference Rev. E. ,Benson Perkins The Failure of......

Lord Goddard

SIR,—Bernard Levin really cannot be allowed to get away with the show of sweet reason which he has carefully adopted over Mr. Blom-Cooper's excellent reply to his attack on the......

Archbishop Makarios And The Lambeth Conference

SIR,—Pharos in 'A Spectator's Notebook' appears to think that Makarios the ecclesiastic can be dis- sociated from Makarios the politician. This is a dualism which cannot be......
