6 JUNE 1970, page 26

False Spore

Sir: Is not John (Mushroom) Allegro (23 May) indulging in a clever, gigantic leg-pull? His very surname provides the clue—lively, sprightly. If his middle name is Mirth (as I......

The Dwarfs Of Lime Grove

Sir: Mr Sherman (Letters, 23 May) is offensive; to me personally and to the BBC. His suggestion that the Bac 'puts me on to 'bark at' its critics is completely without......

Cricket, Lovely Cricket

Sir: I am obliged to Mr Nevin (Letters, 30 May) for indicating the difference between good and bad theology, and for pointing out that people are either Christians or they are......

Red Hands Across The Sea

Sir: The biased tone of Gay Firth's letter (23 May) scarcely merits a reply in full. I restrict myself to a few salient points. We are told that the Unionist party is not......

Shadow Of The Urals

Sir: Professor Beloff (30 May) asks: 'Marshal Voroshilov, we are told, was thought by Stalin to be a British agent. How does Pro- fessor Laqueur know what Stalin really thought......

Spare The Poison

Sir: For the benefit of your readers who are trying to buy our booklet 'In Place of Poisons' on safe garden pesticides (mentioned in 'Spectator's Notebook' on 2 May) through......