Letters What A Cantuar
Sir: Your leading article of 23 May (Tull of Cantuar') is based on systematic misrepre- sentation of what the Archbishop of Can- terbury has said. You say that the Arch- bishop......
Wishful Thinker
Sir: I am surprised that Noel Malcolm (Let- ters, 23 May) was unable to find an accu- rate copy of the text of the Maastricht Treaty on which to base his analysis. From the......
Myth Exploded
Sir: Mr Wheatcroft's specious and ill- informed piece on 'Bomber' Harris ('Bar- barous in the extreme', 30 May) is so full of inaccuracies that it is difficult to know where to......
Death Warrant
Sir: Please tell 'Dear Mary' (23 May) that daddy-long-legs are the scourge of garden- ers. They lay their eggs in summer and autumn and then become leatherjackets of particular......
Writing On The Wall
Sir: It would appear that the age of the Bernard brothers (Low life, 16 May) is immaterial to at least one frequenter of the infamous Coach and Horses. I copied the following......