6 MARCH 1869, page 16

"this Is My Body."

[To roe EDITOR Or rue "SPECTATOR •.] Sin,—Allow me to add a very few words to those of your correspondent "J. IL," in reference to your other correspondent " K V. N." To any......

[to The Editor Of Tile "spectator:1

SIR,-1 think the frequent argument, again brought forward by " J. R." in your last number, that in the utterance of the above words Christ must be understood in the same sense......

"this Do In Remembrance Of Me."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —I willingly concede to your correspondent "J. R." that is may be used for signifies, and that it is so used in the passages referred to......

" Brain-waves."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR "] SIR, —The important mental phenomena recently discussed in your journal under the perhaps somewhat questionable title of " BrainWaves" are in......