Marginal Comment
By HAROLD NICOLSON I N the Evening Standard of last Friday I observed with pleasure the basis I a cartoon by Low depicting the death and burial of Colonel Blimp. I was glad to......
The Danger Of All Silent Revolutions (such As That Through
which we are now passing) is that they sap confidence without creating ardour. There is a theory that only " revolutionary armies" can win great wars. This is absurd. Are - the......
The " Revolutionary Army " Legend Is A Dangerous Legend.
Does any person with experience of actual warfare really believe that Rommel's men, when they found themselves surrounded and it became obvious that their enemies possessed......
The Defect Of Mockery As A Form Of Criticism Is
that, although it may begin by assailing the ridiculous, it all too often ends by damaging standards which are not ridiculous in the least. Mockery rapidly extends its original......