[to The Editor Of Tub "sprotator.1
SIR,—" Crippie," a canary-bird (so named from a malformation about the feet), and " Goldie," a goldfinch, live in the same cage. Both feed from the hand, and when I have time in......
.113.6 ROYAL. ACADEMY. [MST NOTICE.] THERE is usually some question at this time, when the RoyaP Academy Exhibition for the year first opens, not only as to the merits of the......
The Conscience Of Animals.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your otherwise favourable review of my article on the above subject opens with the following sentence In the very interesting paper on......
"inherited Instincts."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] Srn„—The Barbadoes panic and the Barbadoes telegrams have presented us with a phenomenon utterly inexplicable, on any other theory than the......
Godwin And Mary Wollstonecraft.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In your second notice of the life of Godwin, it is state& that Fanny Blood was married to a mercantile clerk, whereas her husband, Mr.......