Ito The Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sir, — Will You Kindly
extend your hospitality to some brief observations regarding the article, " Sweden and Norway," in your issue of April 22nd ? What strikes me is that you state as a fact what is......
[to Trh Editor Of The "spectator." J
SIR,—In connection with your quotation in your issue of April 29th of the story of the last words of 011endorff, the grammarian, given in Sir Mountstuart Grant Duff's most......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. "] Sin,—your...
J. Quail, in last week's Spectator, is in error in ascribing the authorship of this poem to Professor Porson. It was undoubtedly the joint pro- duction of Coleridge and Southey.......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:1 Sib, — Mr. Salt In
the Spectator of April 22nd reasserts his conviction that Richard Jefferies did not return to the faith of a Christian. As Mr. Salt further asserts that it is incredible he......
[to The Editor Oy The "spectator."] Sir, — Living In The...
Riding of Yorkshire, I cannot help observing that the maintenance of a religious test for teachers arouses the indignation of a certain portion of the public, and a portion......