6 NOVEMBER 1909, page 42


A MAN'S MAN * WE owe a great debt to Mr. Ian Hay, not merely for the excellent entertainment provided in his novels, but for the unflinching determination with which he......

The Magazines.

MR. FAB/AN WARE, the editor of the Morning Post, recapitu- lates in a remarkable article in the Nineteenth Century entitled "Unionist Opportunism and Imperial Democracy" the......

Readable Novuls.—her Father's Daughter. By Katharine...

Co. 6s.)—This is a really charming story, scarcely probable, it is true—did any one ever find that A was really B ?—but that makes no difference.—They and I. By Jerome K.......

Seymour Charlton. By W. B. Maxwell. (hutchinson And Co....

Maxwell's style cannot be called distinguished, nor does he contrive to make his characters very lifelike. Still, his novels are interesting. In his new book he gives his......