6 OCTOBER 1939, page 20

Compulsory Insurance Shall Be Glad To Know Whether You And

your readers think it fair for tradesmen to pass on the cost of compulsory war risk insurance to their customers. Why should not any professional man increase his fees in......

Mass Observation Snt,—in " People And Things " Of September

22nd, wise and witty as ever, Mr. Harold Nicolson used a slightly mislead- ing phrase. He wrote, " I should imagine that if Mass.Obser- vation were still functioning, Mr. Tom......

The Only Germany

Sut,—Mr. Hugh Ross Williamson suggests that no conceivable German government (except in the circumstances of another Versailles diktat) would " restore Danzig and the Corridor."......

Books And The B.b.c.

SIR,—While fully appreciating the difficulties of the B.B.C. at the present time, three fifteen-minute talks and an occasional reference in more general talks seem to be hardly......

Records For Troops Stit,—the Commandant Of A Cadet...

R.A., has asked my assistance in the formation of a library of gramo- phone records of classical music for the use of the cadets training for commissions under his command. It......