6 OCTOBER 1984, page 5

Two Insincerities

D r Garret Fitzgerald said, after the capture of seven tons of arms which tile IRA was shipping from America to Ireland: 'There are still people in the United States who,......


M r Gromyko has seen it all before. Foreign Minister for 27 years, he has been through more American presidents than Richard Burton wives, he is experi- enced, realistic,......

Bad Omen

prospects for the Conservative Confer- 1 ence have been clouded by motion number 342, from Newham North-West, which reads: 'This Conference rejects utterly the conception of a......

An Immodest Proposal

A t a time when Islamic ideas on penolo- gy are going out of fashion in the Sudan, where the government has recently discontinued the practice of amputating the hands and feet......

4 Britun 2

? The mystery of mini-mastermind : McQuone deepened (do mysteries Nier get shallower?) when he transferred his allegiances from the Sun to the Daily Star. It appears that his......

Ubscn E

UK Eire Surface mail Air mail 6 months: E17.25 £17.25 £20.50 £26.50 One year: £34.50 £34.50 £41.00 £53.00 ......... . Y . niversi t Nab* * ... 1 . 11 "e- 1 ;4 . 41 — a . . • Ad......