6 OCTOBER 2001, page 33

Less Power To The Lawyers

From Dr Charles Tannock, MEP Sir: The recent events in America and the possibility of further terrorist attacks make it all the more important to ensure that our borders are......

Something Must Be Done

From Mr Joe Roeber Sir: It is not merely legitimate, it is necessary to look for the reasons why terrorists chose to bomb US targets, from large generalities (ways of life) to......

Khyber Carry-ons

From Joseph Aliharn Sir: Philip Hensher has given a splendid illustration of the pitfalls of Central Asian politics ('Death in the Khyber', 22 September), but he overlooks the......

The Tug Of Loyalty

From Maureen Mullarkey Sir: Stephen Schwartz makes passing reference to the 'lamented 1941 internment of Japanese Americans' (The Saudi connection', 22 September). There is less......