6 SEPTEMBER 1879, page 14


THACKERAY.* WE are glad to welcome the almost simultaneous publication of Mr. Trollope's criticism on the great novelist and. of the splendid and costly edition of Thackeray's......


[TO Tee EDITOR OF TDB " BPROTAT011.1 you allow me, as one feeling some personal interest in the matter, to correct what I believe to be a mistake in the very interesting paper......

Mr. Swinburne And Shakespeare. [to Tile Nditoic Of T1111 "

SPEOTATOF.,1 Swinburne is always so grateful to have his mistakes about Shakespeare corrected, that I am sure he will thank the Spectator for allowing me to assure him that he......

Letters To The Editor.

NATIONAL JUD MENTS. go THE Berm OF THE ,, apacreaon.1 Sili,.—Although the Warden of Keble's thoughtful and weighty letter puts forward with much force the argument from the......