The British Association At Montreal Was Greatly Moved On...
by a telegram from Sydney couched in these words : —" Caldwell finds monotremes viviparous, mesoblastic ovum." That does not seem to outsiders to be an epoch-making message; but......
The Rumours That The Three Emperors Will Meet Towards The
close of the month at some point in Russian Poland, not yet revealed, are gradually acquiring consistency, and are probably true. The three Chancellors will, it is said,......
The Canton Of Berne, In Switzerland, Has Taken The Extra-
ordinary step of forbidding the exercises of the Salvation Army throughout its jurisdiction. The reasons assigned are,—that the police cannot 'protect the Salvationists from......
At The Meeting Of The British Association At Montreal On
Monday, Sir F. Hincke, who had been invited to address the Economic Section, made the only political speech delivered at the meeting. It was one against Federation. He declared......
The Same Note Is Being Struck In All Recent Meetings.
For instance, Sir Hussey Vivian, addressing a large meeting in Glamorganshire on Tbursday, made it his single text. The right of Dissolution, he said, belonged to the Sovereign......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday L001
to 1001.......
The Outburst Of Cholera In Italy Is Severe, And The
people in the South appear to have gone mad. They are worse than the French. Instead of treating the disease as a disease, they treat it as a kind of invading force, and ehnt......
The Grand Difficulty Of M. Ferry's Position Is This. If
China .does not yield, he must send a large force to defend Tonquin, or a larger to threaten Pekin. He has not got such a force to send unless the Chamber votes war, and the......
The Chinese Governmenthas Not Been Alarmed By The...
of the Foochow forts, but has placarded Pekin with warlike announcements, and has directed General Tso, who conquered Kashgar, to invade Tonquin in three columns of 20,000 men......
The Dean Of Wells Is Trying To Raise By Subscriptions
from all Churchmen a sum of £1,500 to put up a memorial window to Bishop Ken, once Bishop of the See, and n. man whose memory is still reverenced as that of a saintly poet and......