C Urrent Literature.
PANSIES. Pansies. By Ennis May. (G. Allen. 3s. 61 net.)—This is a little volume of graceful and sympathetic verse. We feel, indeed, bound to repeat once more what we have......
A. Prince Of Good Fellows. By Robert Barr. (chatto And
Windus. 6s.)—The" Prince of Good Fellows" is James V, of Scot- land. James, it will be remembered, had a way of being a Scottish Haronn-al-Raachid, besides cherishing, not......
Lady Beatrix And The Forbidden Man. (harper And Brothers....
6.1.).-The anonymous author of Lady Beatrix and the Forbidden Man writes with a jaunty and flippant vulgarity to which we are getting only too much accustomed. This kind of book......
Beyond The Law. By Gertrude Warden. (ward, Lock, And Co
3s. 6d.)—This is a melodramatic book, and not at all a bad one of its kind. But we cannot help thinking the sudden relenting of the female villain at the end a little unnatural.......
In The Gates Of Israel. By Herman Bernstein. (j. F.
Taylor and Co., New York.)—These "Stories of the Jews" are mostly slight in texture,—the first really occupies some twenty pages with telling us how an old woman tried to keep......
Told To The Marines. By Sir W. Laird Clowes. (treherne
and Co. 6s.)—As is often the case in a book of short stories, some of these stories are amusing and some are not. "The Last of the Stuarts" is one of the best, though "That......
THE VULTURES.* THE term " vultures " when applied to human beings is not complimentary, but in the present case it is employed in a Pickwickian sense. Paul Deaths, Joseph P.......
The Rommany Stone. By J. H. Yoxall, M.p. (longmans And
Co. Gs.) — One longs in reading this story for an interval of plain English. Never was such a conglomerate of tongues. There is Matt Scargil, yeoman, with his Derbyshire......