Pacificism As Vocation
Sus,—The Archbishop of Canterbury's statement that he believes s ome people may be called to be pacificists raises a difficult moral problem, but I believe there are strong......
Snt,—it Is Odd How The Die-hards All Over The World
cling to faith and stubbornly refuse to accept changed conditions. This would sound funny if it did not have tragic consequences in po t : In a letter in your columns last week......
Stx,—the Division Of Conviction Within The Church, Which...
bishops have recognised in the superficially contradictory statement which Dr. Matthews deplores, is itself a large part of the Christian pacificists' dilemma. It is this......
Pacificism Or Pacifism ?
SIR, After consulting twelve reputable dictionaries, two encyclo- • paedias, the large technical English-French French-English dictionary (Bellows') and the recognised leading......
Sta,--the Dean Of St. Paul's Is Certainly Right In Saying
that the dictum of the Archbishops, as it stands, is unintelligible. Pacificism, in the ordinary use of that term, means the view that it is always wrong to take the part of a......
Sta,—it Seems A Pity To Bait The Archbishops Too Much;
they have a difficult job on hand, to square war with the recorded teaching of Jesus, and they do it with real skill. But I think Dr. Major does seri- ously overrate the power......
Sir,—unless The Dean Of St. Paul's Claims That The...
or the Church, or even the Dean himself, have absolute knowledge of the Nature of God he is bound to admit that the Spirit of God is ever seeking to lead us into fuller......
Farmers And Income-tax
Sta,—In your issue dated August 23rd, Dr. Shackleton Bailey drew attention to the privileged position accorded to farmers in the matter of income-tax assessment. He pointed out......