6 SEPTEMBER 2008, page 63

A Friend Of Mine, A Professor At An Ivy League University,

specialises in research into transgenic mice, learning how DNA modifications affect intelligence and memory. A few years ago, after some genetic tinkering, he created a batch of......

Q. I Have Lived In Indochina For More Than Six

years but I am still invited to various society weddings, exhibition openings, concerts and parties in London. Here in Cochinchina plenipotentiaries are kind enough to include......

Q. In Our Country Cottage We Have No Signal For

mobiles and visitors have consequently always had to use the landline. In the past I have been very relaxed about this but now I want to save money. They always ask first, of......

Q. I Have Found A Watercolour Which Has Been Languishing

under wraps in our attic. It is by a well-known 18th-century artist and I would now like to put it to use in our drawing-room. The old 18th-century glass with which it was......