[to The Editor Of The •' Timer."
SIR, — In commenting on my speech in the Vivisection debate, you are good enough to say that my " psychology is as crude as my mis- statement of the facts is glaring." Now, this......
Animal Intelligence.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—I was surprised to see it stated some weeks ago, in a review of Mr. Romanes' book on "Animal Intelligence," that the female ostrich......
170 The Editor Of The " Spect•tor."1
Sta,—That secrets which have been whispered in the ear should be " proclaimed on the housetops " has, no doubt, always been -an nnpleasing prophecy for guilty consciences. It......
" Broad Presbyterianism." [to The Editor Of The "...
St. Giles's, Edinburgh, on July 23rd, 1837 (as Carlyle tells us), when " Land's pretended Bishop " tried to read the Collect for the day, Jenny Geddes' stool and shriek, " Deil......
Mr. Russell On Vivisection.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —The Times of yesterday, in an article on the Vivisection debate, had these words :—" Mr. George Russell `maintained that a man in whom......
Obstruction And The Public.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] you allow me to remind " A Scotchman," whose - letter on "The Duty of the Government" appeared in your last issue, of what is the duty of......