7 APRIL 1939, page 38

Army And Navy Stores

One of the last of the season's dividend announcements from the London department stores comes from the Army and Navy Stores, who are paying a final dividend of rod. r= 1 *......

Venturers' Corner I See That Dobson And Barlow, One Of

the smaller ur,its in the textile machinery trade, have sprung a surprise in announcing an interim dividend. The inference I should draw is that Textile Machinery Makers, the......

Financial Notes

MARCH UNEMPLOYMENT THE spring recovery in industry seems, without a doubt, to have been unusually sharp. The March unemployment returns show a drop of 169,782 following on a......

Bank Of Australasia

Chairmen of many banks operating in New Zealand have protested against the method of assessing bank income-tax there. At the meeting of the Bank of Australasia last week, Mr. D.......

Sir Alexander Roger On Germany

Sir Alexander Roger, who is head of an important group of companies manufacturing cables and telephone equipment, is devoting a large part of his speeches at the shareholders'......

Provincial Cinematograph Progress

Provincial Cinematograph Theatres, which is an important company of the Gaumont-British group, is to forge ahead with a programme of equipping more of its theatres with......