A Plagiarism.
[To TILE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The " Annual Register " devotes a chapter to the review of current literature. Happening to pause to-day at the chapter on that subject......
Authority And Catholic "instincts."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTITOR:1 SIR, —It may not be uninteresting to know what impression two points in your article on " The Times and Mr. Orby Shipley ' have made upon a......
THE PILGRIMAGE TO KEVLAAR. [F11031 HEINE.] I. THE mother stood at the window, IIer son lay in the bed ; " Look, Wilhelm, the procession Is passing by," she said. " So sick I am,......
THE ART OF EUROPE.—II. CoxmitisG my review of the countries that I grouped together in the fourth division, I will next speak of the works of Germany The first impression which......