7 FEBRUARY 1829, page 13

A Word Or Two For Cooks.

THERE is no surer criterion of civilization than the estimation in which the profession; Lhat chiefly characterize it are held. Thus, amongstour barbarous ancestors, surgeons......

The Universities.

CAMBRIDGE, February 6.—The late Dr. Smith's annual prizes of 251. each, to tho two best proficients in the mathematics and natural philosophy ainong, the Comment: • ing......

The Church.

Pasuvlsamtvra.—The Rev. W. Nicholson, M.A. fellow of Queen's Collegu, ford, to the Rectory of Bramshot, Hants, vacant by the death of the Rev. J. Monk.. house ; patrons, the......

The Army.

WarOffice, February 2. The under-mentioned half-pay Officers have been allowed to retire from f; xx . service, and their half-pay has been cancelled frora the 25th of January,......

East India Shipping. -. Fitinav Evenino,

Letters by the Asia to the 25th, Sept. furnish us with numerous and iniportant arrivals at Madras. We have also advices from the Mauritius by the Hooghley, fourteen days biter......