7 FEBRUARY 1852, page 11


SATURDAY. The principal business in Parliament last night was the introduction in the House of Commons of a measure of substantial relief to Chancery suitors, by the......

The Accounts From Paris This Morning Do Not Give Any

later account of the Queen of Spain than to the 3d instant, the day after the attack on her person ; but they are more express on the point of her safety. We now learn that the......

'at Troat R Tg.

Amid the general decline of the drama, even the combinations of farce appear to be wearing out. A wife who to cure her husband of a propen- sity to infidelity wins his heart in......

Mrs. Fanny Kemble Has Resumed Her Shaksperian Readings At...

St. James's Theatre. Atidsuntiner Night's Dream, the reading of Tuesday last, was further illustrated by the introduction of Mcndelssohn's music. Prophets regard this......

Two Of Our Most Eminent Pianists, Mr. Sterndale Bennett And

Mr. Lindsay Stepp., have this week commenced serial performances of classi- cal music, chiefly for their own instrument,—Mr. Bennett on Tuesday evening, at the Hanover Square......

It Is Stated That The Government Have Resolved To Organize

a special de- partment at the Board of Trade for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the existing Schools of Design, and aiding art education generally as applied to......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The tenour of the debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday night gave an upward impulse to the English Stock Market : Consols, which had been......