7 FEBRUARY 1874, page 2

We Regret Deeply To See That The Viceroy Has Called

for sub- scriptions, and that subscriptions are shortly to be raised in England. Any expression of sympathy with the people may be grateful to them, as that of the Queen was,......

The News From India Seems To Us, As We Have

explained else- where, most disastrous—amounts, indeed, to an acknowledgment that the famine is upon us a month too soon ; that the c irriage arrangements have broken down ; and......

The Contest In Bradford Has Ended, As We Expected, In

the victory of _Mr. Forster, who is returned at the head of the poll by a crushing majority, 3,500 above his nearest Radi- cal opponent, Mr. Godwin, who only obtained 8,398......

Sheffield Has Again Returned Mr. Roebuck As An...

at the head of the poll, and given Mr. Mrmdella only the second place. Mr. Chamberlain is defeated. We regret this, as there are discernible in Mr. Chamberlain the elements of......

Mr. Disraeli Has Made Two Speeches Since Our Last Issue,

one at Aylesbury this day week, and one at Newport-Pagnell on Wed- nesday. Neither speech was specially remarkable except for one or two gratuitous inaccuracies, such as the......

Mr. Disraeli Must Be Already Sketching Out His Cabinet, By

far the most serious of his early difficulties. With the Peers he has no trouble, for we cannot think that with a real majority, and a separate office which he can exactly fill,......

Leeds And Manchester Have 'both Shown The Influence Of The

Conservative wave,—Manchester certainly at least, Leeds less certainly. In Manchester the two Conservatives, Mr. Birley and. Mr. Callender, head the poll, Sir T. Bazley......

The Borough Of Cambridge Is Apparently Determined Not To...

a reform of the land laws. Both its Liberal members have distinguished themselves by very ablespeeches and publications. on land tenure and its reform, and both have been......

A Telegram From Sir Garnet Wolseley Announces- That The...

war is nearly over. With a gallantry of the :old Indian kind, the Commander-in-Chief, finding his marchinipeded by the running away of his native carriers—who ran away, we......

It Is Remarkable That The Alarm Caused By Sir Henry

Havelock's. utter rout at Stroud,. after Mr. Winterbotham's death, was a. false one. Both the Liberal candidates have been returned, and poor Mr. Dorington, who kept -the seat......