The First Of These "architectural Notes" Contained An...
a new office block opposite Victoria Station. This fine building, one of the best new commercial buildings in London, has now been completely disfigured by an advertise- ment on......
Architectural' Notes
WAR MEMORIALS Mosr of the War Memorials have now been set up, and we can begin to adjust our ideas on the national impulse which forced them to take shape and on the general......
The Subject Of The House Of Lords War Memorial Has
isuddenly come before the public in an acute form. The question is a domestic one for the Upper House and hardly affects the man in the street, but the general opinion will......
'music Philosophy And Sensationalism
ON Thursday, January 29th, the Royal Philharmonic Society gave the third concert of their present season, under the direction of Mr. Eugene Goossens. At least one of the works......
Letters To The Editor
EMERGENCY HOUSES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As a member of the Health Committee of the City Council of this city I shall be most obliged if you will kindly inform me......